Hi I’m Tom and I am a sport climber from Bedfordshire and have been climbing since the age of 7.
It all started when I attended an activity day at the XC in Hemel Hempstead over the summer holidays in 2015, this included caving, high ropes and top rope climbing. I found that I really enjoyed the climbing and wanted to do it again.
Following this I did a couple of fun climbing sessions at Big Rock in Milton Keynes, where I found out about the NICAS climbing course. I enrolled onto the NICAS course which I attended once a week.
Whilst attending this course I found out about the Big Rock youth climbing competition which they hold twice a year, this was my first ever competition which I managed to win.
It was in 2017 when I was invited to join the Big Rock academy, which I became a member of and have been ever since. I enjoy the competition circuit and take part in competitions all over the country and in Europe.
In 2018 my dad built me a climbing den in our garage which I haven’t had much time to use as I’d like. Check out my den section and see what I get up to in there!!

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