Success for Tom Steele in Poland where he competed in the boulder games. Over the year Tom competed in 4 rounds all over Poland. The rounds were a scramble self scoring format, where he qualified in overall top position securing him a place in the grand final. The qualifying rounds were very versatile, you could choose one of 4 time slots in which you wanted to compete, all the venues had a total of 50 problems, 25 senior problems and 25 junior problems. The time slots meant that the climbing walls were not as crowded and you got to give all the problems a good shot. They also kept the adult and junior problems segregated. Round 4 which was the final round along with the Grand Finals was held in Warsaw at the newly built venue Murall Warszawa Krakowska.  The finals were extremely well organised and followed the IFSC format. Tom climbed extremely well and was the only person to top the first 3 boulder problems. Problem 4 eluded him and everyone else but he had done enough by that point to secure the win!! @bouldergamesPL